Earwigs in Edmond: Understanding the Facts and Myths


Have you ever discovered an earwig lurking in your garden and wondered if the old wives’ tales about them crawling into ears are true? 

Residents of Edmond – brace yourselves as we debunk myths and uncover the fascinating truth about these misunderstood creatures.

Far from the stuff of nightmares, earwigs are an intriguing part of our local ecosystem – but that doesn’t mean you have to just deal with it if you happen to have an earwig infestation on your hands.

Stay with us as we explore the real story behind these secretive insects. We’ll shed some light on their habits, benefits, and how to coexist with them peacefully.

Myth-Busting: One Pincer at a Time

If you’re researching Edmond earwig control, you may have stumbled upon a few potentially disturbing “facts” about earwigs. Allow us to dispel some of the most common myths. 

Do Earwigs Lay Eggs in Your Brain When You’re Asleep?

This fear seems to be deeply embedded in the public consciousness. It’s a vivid and grotesque notion, but it’s a complete fabrication. 

Earwigs do not lay eggs in people’s brains. In fact, their natural behavior centers around moist, dark environments like you’d find under a damp log or in your garden’s soil. They have no interest in brains besides, perhaps, finding them annoyingly non-nutritious.

Can Earwigs Pinch to Inflict Pain?

There’s a little bit of truth to this one. Earwigs do have pincers, or forceps, at the ends of their abdomen. 

However, these curved appendages are used for a variety of purposes, from sensing their environment to fighting with other earwigs. While they can pinch, it’s not usually painful to humans, and they should be considered more of a curiosity than a threat.

Are Earwigs Harmful to Your Garden?

In moderation, earwigs can actually be beneficial to your garden. They feed on a variety of plant pests, including aphids and mites. It’s only when their populations boom that they can potentially become a problem, as they may start to nibble on your beloved plants themselves.

Identifying an Earwig Infestation

The first step in dealing with a potential earwig problem is to identify it. Earwigs are nocturnal, which makes them somewhat harder to notice. 

Some signs of an infestation may include:

  • Presence of Earwigs: Spotting live earwigs indoors, particularly in damp areas like bathrooms or kitchens, can be a sign that they’ve entered your home.
  • Garden Damage: If you notice that there’s something nibbling on the edges of your leaves and flowers, and you’ve ruled out caterpillars and snails, earwigs could be the culprits.
  • Indoor Nests: In rare cases, earwigs may establish nests indoors, particularly in areas with high moisture content.

Control Methods for Earwigs

Once you’ve confirmed that earwigs are causing an issue, it’s time to establish a control strategy. Here are several effective methods:

  • Reduce Moisture: Earwigs thrive in damp environments. By decreasing moisture levels around your home and garden, you can make the area less hospitable to these pests.
  • Eliminate Hiding Places: Earwigs love their nooks and crannies. Removing debris, mulch, or piles of leaves from around your home can discourage them.
  • Traps: Simple traps, such as rolled-up newspapers or an empty tuna can filled with oil and placed on its side, can lure and trap earwigs, though these have only limited efficacy.
  • Insecticides: There are a variety of insecticides available for use against earwigs, either as sprays directly onto infested areas or as barriers for prevention.
  • Professional Pest Control: For severe infestations or persistent problems, it may be time to call in the professionals. They have access to more potent (and often more regulated) chemicals and can employ them safely and effectively.

Earwig Prevention Tips

The best way to manage earwigs is to prevent them from making themselves comfortable in the first place. 

Luckily, many prevention methods are quite easy and often serve double duty by dissuading other pests, as well.

  • Seal Cracks: Earwigs are masters of squeezing through tiny openings. By sealing the cracks and crevices on the outside of your home, you’ll greatly reduce the number of potential entry points.
  • Fix Leaks: Dampness attracts earwigs. Check for and fix any leaky pipes, faucets, or AC units to avoid creating the moist conditions they love.
  • Use Yellow Lights: Unlike many insects, earwigs are attracted to light. By using yellow or sodium vapor lights, you may draw them away from your doors and windows.

And in the garden, follow these specific tips:

  • Choose Your Plants Wisely: Earwigs are attracted to a number of plants, such as marigolds and dahlias. If you have a persistent problem, consider avoiding these species.
  • Use Barriers: You can create barriers to deter earwigs, using substances they find distasteful, like diatomaceous earth or petroleum jelly.
  • Elevate Garden Beds: If your garden is prone to excess moisture, consider raising the beds to improve drainage and reduce earwig-friendly environments.

Living in Harmony with Earwigs

Remember, earwigs are just doing what comes naturally. They’re not out to take over the world – or your brain – and they have a valuable role to play in nature. By following the steps outlined above, you can keep your earwig situation in check without having to resort to extreme measures or giving in to sensationalism.

The mystery and misunderstanding surrounding earwigs only add to our fear of them. In truth, they’re just tiny creatures trying to survive like the rest of us. Hopefully, with the information presented here, you feel more confident in managing and, when necessary, moderating the presence of these pinchy little garden helpers.

And if you’re ready to tackle earwig management with effective, sustainable methods, don’t hesitate to reach out to Summit Pest Solutions. Our team of experts is equipped with the knowledge and tools to ensure your space remains comfortable and earwig-free. We can also help with other pests that might be giving you grief, like cockroaches, spiders, and mosquitoes.

Take the first step towards a balanced cohabitation with nature – contact Summit Pest Solutions today.