As a locally owned business, Summit Pest Solutions knows local pests. Our Pest Library provides the information you need to know about the most common pests in Edmond so that if you find them in your home or business, you’ll know just what to do. Contact Summit Pest Solutions today for help dealing with extensive pest pressures in Edmond.
Though cockroaches are common household pests, an interesting fact is that while more than 4,000 species are living worldwide, only a small handful of them are a problem in our homes and businesses. American cockroaches, German cockroaches, and oriental cockroaches are examples of roaches that have learned to live close to people. These roaches take advantage of the food, water, and shelter our yards and homes provide. They can find their way into our homes independently or by hitchhiking inside things like boxes, deliveries, or secondhand appliances or furniture.
Cockroaches are insects that are dangerous in our homes, and we should never ignore their presence. These insects are well-known for living in less than sanitary areas like sewers, garbage piles, and areas of decaying debris or standing water. Their unsanitary living conditions cause them to regularly come into contact with bacteria, viruses, and disease-causing pathogens. In addition, their excrement and shed skins are full of allergens and trigger skin rashes, breathing problems, and in some people, asthma attacks. Cockroaches are scavengers, and having them in your home causes food contamination and food waste.
Prevent cockroaches from becoming comfortable in your home using the following prevention tips.
Fleas and ticks are parasites that feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals. They are ectoparasites and use their specialized mouthparts to cut through the skin of their host to feed on their blood. Blood meals are the only source of nutrition for both pests. Fleas are insects with a very short lifespan of a few months, while ticks are arachnids with a much longer lifespan, potentially two to three years. Because they are mainly outdoor pests, both fleas and ticks regularly get into your home after you, a family member, or your pets come in contact with them. Your backyard, the park, an athletic field, or a wooded area are examples of places we regularly come into contact with fleas and ticks.
Fleas and ticks are common pests in our outdoor spaces because animals are constantly introducing them to our properties. As squirrels, mice, groundhogs, skunks, and other wild animals travel across your lawn, they leave behind fleas and ticks. These pests are unwanted because they pose health risks to people and our pets. Ticks spread many disease-causing pathogens, including the bacteria that cause Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Fleas transmit some diseases and parasites like tapeworms. Also, many people and animals are allergic to flea saliva and develop red itchy rashes. Excessive scratching at the bite sites is not only uncomfortable but can lead to skin infections. If you ever have trouble with fleas or ticks in your yard or home, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Summit Pest Solutions today!
Prevent fleas and ticks from becoming comfortable in your yard using the following prevention tips.
The mosquito is a type of fly whose females bite people and animals to consume blood meals. The protein they get from the blood allows them to create healthy eggs. As mosquitoes feed on the blood of different hosts, they acquire and then spread diseases that can make people and animals ill. Diseases they transmit include the West Nile virus, chikungunya virus, and encephalitis. These pests are most active and persistent when the weather is warm, which is from May to November in our area.
Mosquitoes are mainly outdoor pests that make themselves a nuisance on any property that provides them with breeding or resting spots. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs on top of areas of standing water, and the newly hatched mosquitoes, while capable of flying away, tend to stay close to where they hatch. Therefore the more rain and areas of standing water present, the more mosquitoes there will be. Properties near wooded areas, fields, grasslands, or other areas of tall vegetation are most likely to experience problems with these tenacious biters.
Prevent mosquitoes from becoming comfortable in your yard using the following prevention tips.
Spiders are common household pests. These arachnids are shy and reclusive; they find quiet retreats not only in our lawns, gardens, and trees but in our homes as well. Moving indoors after being attracted by insect prey or while searching for a place to lay their eggs, more often than not, decide to stay. Our homes provide the perfect environment for spiders and provide shelter, access to water, and insects as a regular food source.
The majority of spiders that live in Oklahoma are harmless to people. They are the biggest threat to the insects they hunt. But it is important to note that there are two species of spiders in our area that pose a danger to people, and we need to avoid them at all costs; the brown recluse spider and the black widow spider. Both have venom strong enough not only to paralyze their insect prey but to cause significant health problems in people.
Prevent spiders from becoming comfortable on your property using the following prevention tips.
Many different types of stinging insects frequent our Edmond-area properties. Some of the most common are:
Some stinging insects like yellow jackets are social and live together in large groups, while others like cicada killers are solitary, and the females create individual nests. No matter the species or their nesting habits, stinging insects shouldn’t be living in your yard. They use the stinger they have extending from their backend to paralyze their insect prey and as a means of defense. When they feel threatened, they will deliver painful, venom-filled stings to people and animals.
Stinging insects become most problematic for people when they decide to build their nests in the high traffic area of our yards, putting us in constant close contact with these pests. Having these pests living in your yard causes you to be on high alert when just trying to spend time in your outdoor space. If you suddenly start seeing large numbers of stinging insects on your property, there is likely a nest in your yard or nearby. It is important to contact a professional to help you find, identify, and eliminate these pests. Their venom is potent enough to trigger serious allergic reactions in people. If you need help removing stinging insects from your property, contact us at Summit Pest Solutions today!
Prevent stinging insects from taking over your property using the following prevention tips.
To learn about our effective pest control solutions and how we can work together to eliminate pests from your home for good, contact us today; we would love to help you protect your home and family from pests!